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Just another ordinary day!!Have you ever used those words
in response to a question from your husband or wife. Perhaps the scene
could be as follows – you fall into a chair in the kitchen after
a long day at the office or out on the farm and you hear the words “What
sort of a day have you had dear?” And in the middle of your state
of weariness you reply “Oh, the usual, just another ordinary day!”
I’m sure that most of us adults have used that phrase at some
stage in our lives, I know that I most certainly have! But when I read
the story of the birth of Jesus according to Luke (Luke 2: 1-20) I do
not get the sense that the shepherds would have used these words when
the angel of the Lord appeared to them! You see, we read that the shepherds
were living out in the fields near by, keeping watch over their flocks
at night. Into this scene of ordinariness came the angel of the Lord
and I suspect that their lives were changed forever. If we read this
story, the first thing we notice is that they went looking for the Saviour
themselves. The second thing we notice is that they found the baby,
who was lying in a manger just as they had been told. The third thing
we notice is that when they had seen their Saviour, they told others
and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them.
This was no ordinary day in the life of the shepherds, men who would have thought of themselves as perhaps having little to offer in terms of proclamation and mission. But what this narrative tells us is that God uses the most unlikely people to spread the Good News of a Saviour born in a lowly stable in the town of David. God has a plan for each one of us to be part of his mission to bring the Good News to the very ends of the earth. As you read this you may well be thinking to yourself, Aye right! but what do you think the shepherds thought as God grabbed their attention in the middle of just another ordinary day. Whenever God grabs our attention we are compelled to go and find the Saviour for ourselves – have you met with Him yet? When we do meet with Him we must go and tell those who do not yet know Him. In our community there are many who rely on knowing the difference between right and wrong rather than relying on Jesus. Jesus came to earth on a mission to save the lost. God chooses the most unlikely people to continue to tell others about Jesus and what he came to do. He chooses you, and he chooses me. Just another ordinary day? Never ordinary when you have met with Jesus for the first time! Naomi, Bethany, Jack, Sam and I wish all of the parishioners of the group a blessed and peaceful Christmas and may you know in your hearts the joy that came into the world that first Christmas.
News ItemsSWANLINBAR GROUP NEWSSustentation/Free-will offerings We really value the gifts of all our parishioners
and friends of the various Parishes in our group – without your
giving the work of the Church would not be possible. But we would like
to gently encourage people to ensure that their offerings are with the
various Parish Treasurers by the last Sunday of the year, ie 25th December.
If we all comply with this request then the Treasurers will have opportunity
to bank your gifts before the end of the financial year, ie 31st December,
and they will then be in a position to produce a set of accounts based
on the balance in the account at that date. +++ Smartie tubesI hope that all the children have not forgotten about saving up their spare 20 pence and 20 cent pieces! Tubes of Smarties were given to the children at our last United Service in Templeport and throughout Advent and Christmas the children are encouraged to collect any spare 20s for the work of the Charity “BBC CHILDREN IN NEED”. Please do support this collection and all of our contributions will be collected at our next United Service in Swanlinbar on Sunday 15th January 2006. +++ Bequest The Estate of Harold Pennell Smith has made
a gift to honourand Margaret Smyth nee Pennell.John and Margaret Smyth
were born in Kinawley and were married at Swanlinbar in 1909.Their son,Harold,
born near Toronto,Canada1918, died in July of. +++ Parish fund raising At the recent sale of work in Swanlinbar Parish,
we had yet another exceptional effort raising just over £2000
on the day. Thanks are due to everyone involved in all the work which
went into making the day such a success. +++ Home Study Groups One of the most significant
things to come out of our recent Christianity Explored course was that
folk felt that the Church as it is at present is not meeting some of
our needs. This challenges me and rather than being disappointed or
annoyed by what is in effect the honesty of the people, I feel that
it is important to listen and then model and envision a way of meeting
those needs. Outside of our Church services there is little opportunity
for people to meet and share in a safe environment something of the
week they have had and how God has been at work in their lives, or perhaps
even to talk about a personal struggle. It appears to me that there
is a real need for such support and encouragement and I am delighted
that there is a hunger for such an opportunity. The writer to the Hebrews
says And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards
love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are
in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and
all the more as you see the Day approaching. Let us not give up meeting
together, as some are in the habit of doing, +++ Confirmation ClassesThese will begin on Sunday 8th January with a meeting with parents and candidates in the Rectory at 4pm. This will provide me with an opportunity to outline the preparation, the commitment required and explain the process to all parties. After this initial meeting, we will meet on a weekly basis for approx 1 hour at 7pm. I am certainly looking forward to this course with our six candidates, Julie Clements, Gary Crawford, Julie Graham, Janine Stubbs, Hannah Wilson and Jack Wilson. It will be an opportunity for me to develop my relationship with our young people and guide them as they develop their relationship with Jesus. Please remember to pray for our candidates as they begin their preparation in the early part of the New Year. +++ TOP![]() +++ Outstanding achievement!I mentioned in an earlier edition of the Newsletter that a number of students in the Group had passed their exams and were moving on to third level education. But what I was not aware of was that Mark Crawford had excelled in A-level Technology & Design coming second overall in the whole of Northern Ireland. Mark, very, very well done and congratulations on this outstanding achievement. I have no doubt that you will do very well as you continue your studies to obtain an M.Eng in Engineering at Queen’s University Belfast. +++ Gospel ConcertFeaturing the singing of the Virginia Gospel Choir. This will take place in the Slieve Russell Hotel on Friday 6th January 2006 at 8pm. All proceeds will go to the Swanlinbar Community Playgroup, Trevia House (tickets available from Bernie McGovern at €15). +++
* * * ooo * * * Back to TOPNow for some lighter reading
Prayer points for December / JanuaryLet us continue to listen to God in prayer and develop a daily routine of praying for the following on the day of the week indicated;
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Augustine's Swanlinbar |
Paul's Kinawley |
Peter's Templeport |
TomRegan Ballyconnell |
Date |
Event |
Time |
Service |
Leader |
Time |
Service |
Leader |
Time |
Service |
Leader |
Time |
Service |
Leader |
Sun 18th Dec | 4th Sun of Advent | - |
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pm |
Service |
G.W. |
pm |
Service |
G.W. |
Sat 24th Sun 25th Dec |
Christmas Eve Christmas Day |
10 am 25th |
H.C. |
G.W. |
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11.30 am 25th
H.C. |
G.W. |
11 pm 24th |
H.C. |
G.W. |
Sun 1st Jan | 1st Sun after Christmas |
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am |
M.P. |
Reggie Twaddell |
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Service |
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11.30 |
M.P. |
Reggie Twaddell |
Sun 8th Jan | 1st after Epiphany | 10
am |
H.C. |
G.W. |
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11.30 |
M.P. |
G.W. |
11.30 |
M.P. |
Reggie Twaddell |
Sun 15th Jan | 2nd after Epiphany | 11
am |
Family |
G.W. |
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Sun 22nd Jan | 3rd after Epiphany | - |
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am |
M.P. |
11.30 |
11.30 |
M.P. |
Audrey Reilly |
11.30 |
M.P. |
G.W. |
Sun 29th Jan | 4th after Epiphany | 10
am |
M.P. |
G.W. |
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11.30 |
M.P. |
G.W. |
11.30 |
M.P. |
Mervyn Foster |
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