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British Summer Time EndsOfficially this ends at 2 am
on the morning of Sunday 30th October so we should all set our alarm
clocks and get up and move our clocks back by one hour!! The institution
of Summer Time is advancing the legal time by one hour during the summer
months in order to promote greater efficiency in the use of the daylight
hours and of artificial lighting; originally introduced as a wartime
measure in 1916, has been continued through peacetime as well. In order
to understand how putting the clock back by one hour affects my life
I have to think about that time of the day when the darkness is changing
to light. And that brings me to think about moving from darkness to
light in a spiritual sense. Over the past couple of weeks, I am conscious
that in my preaching the message has been particularly challenging as
we have examined good deeds and law observance in relation to the Gospel
message. Paul writes I no longer count on my own goodness or my ability
to obey God’s law, but I trust Christ to save me. For God’s
way of making us right with himself depends on faith Phi 3: 9 (New Living
Translation). You see, Paul was exemplary in his law observance and
his good works – no person could find fault in his conduct, but
through an encounter with The Lord Jesus on the road to Damascus he
understood that these things, good as they are in themselves, are not
enough to reconcile us with our Father in Heaven. Faith and trust in
Jesus, the light of the world, are what we need to enable us to journey
out of darkness and into the light. For years and years I myself just
did not understand this. I believed that as long as I knew the difference
between right and wrong, did not do my neighbour any harm, went to Church
on a Sunday and believed in God, sure wasn’t that all that was
needed. And at face value you could be forgiven for believing this to
be the case, you certainly wouldn’t be on your own. Approximately
70-80% of the world’s population believe that there is one God,
but James writes Do you still think it’s enough just to believe
that there is one God? Well, even the demons believe this, and they
tremble in terror! James 3: 19 (New Living Translation). Belief can
exist without relationship. I believe many things to be true, for example
that Winston Churchhill was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
I never met Winston Churchhill but I believe that he was Prime Minister
at some stage in the history of the UK. I can believe this without ever
putting my trust in someone who doubtless made a considerable contribution
to the history of the world, but had, and has no control over eternal
life. Only a belief which is grounded in trust in Jesus can assure us
of a place at the Heavenly wedding banquet.
As you read these words, I hope and pray that God’s Holy Spirit will move your heart to understand the longing which God has to be reconciled with you, that is assuming of course you are not already in a committed relationship with him through faith in Jesus. I have quite deliberately committed to paper this message in order that we might all consider it at length. I would dearly love to talk to anyone who is wrestling with faith matters at the moment - I would consider it a privilege to do so. Please do speak with me if you feel that perhaps your belief is not grounded on trust and relationship with Jesus. Come along to our course on a Thursday night at 8 pm in St Paul’s and discover a bit more about Jesus and who He is today. This course is not only for committed folk, but for all of us as we seek to go deeper with God. May the Lord bless each one of us as we journey with Him in the days that lie ahead.
News ItemsSWANLINBAR GROUP NEWSGroup Gospel Concert Have you heard the one about the wee boy who
was sitting in church behind a man who was follicly challenged (bald
like myself). For the first few minutes of the service the man was troubled
with a terrible itch on the left-hand side of his head. Then after another
few minutes he was scratching furiously on the right-hand side of his
head. The wee boy had just heard the minister speaking on helping your
neighbour so he leant forward and whispered in the man’s ear If
you chase it into the middle Mister, I’ll get it with my hymn
book! This is just a sample of the humour which we were treated to by
our compere, Mr Gary Wilson, on the occasion of our group Gospel Concert
in Templeport Community Centre on Monday 19th September. I think that
everyone enjoyed his wit, even the poor Curate who had more than his
fair share of jokes made at his expense!! +++ Forward! News I wrote in the last issue that you should watch this space for more news of Forward! events and the steering group have certainly been busy planning! We hope to hold three events in December;
If you would be interested in any of these events then please let us know and watch out for more details to follow. +++ Harvest Services We had as our theme for Harvest this year God’s plentiful provision to us and our subsequent response to those in need. Through looking at Ruth 1 & 2 we unpacked the message of plentiful and failed harvests and the various responses to each. The story of Ruth, Naomi and Boaz is an incredible story. Ruth’s faithfulness is only matched by the obedience of Boaz to God’s laws and indeed his heart overflowing with compassion. We were really blessed throughout our series with wonderful speakers who really challenged and yet encouraged us in our own situations. Flo Creighton spoke in Swanlinbar of her work with CMS and how she had seen God at work in the African continent. Rachel McGirr spoke in Tomregan of her work with YWAM and how she had consistently seen God as one who provides in every situation in the continent of Asia. And finally Mike Edwards spoke in St Peter’s Templeport of his experiences in Uganda this summer with Crosslinks as people flocked to hear the Good News and hundreds committed their lives to Jesus, the Living Water and Bread of Life. Throughout our services we used resources produced by Tearfund, specifically their ongoing work with the Tuareg Tribe in Niger. In Niger, millions of people are on the edge of famine through failed harvests yet again. I would like to thank everyone who attended our services and indeed each of our speakers for their messages. And thank you for your generosity in giving to the work of Tearfund as we raised over €1500 in loose collections.
+++ Confirmation in our Group of Parishes Bishop Ken and I have agreed upon the afternoon of the 30th of April as the date of confirmation of the six candidates within our group. I will be contacting the individuals in due course in order that preparation might commence but in the meantime please do pray for Janine Stubbs, Julie Clements, Julie Graham, Hannah Wilson, Gary Crawford and Jack Wilson as they contemplate this important stage in their Christian journey. +++ Lifesource 30th Oct – 6th Nov Is a week of events at the end of this month in Kinawley and Holy Trinity Parish designed to help folk think more about their faith. Throughout the week there will be a number of events designed for all age groups. I would encourage as many people as possible to make a special effort to attend at least one event, even to bring a friend along and support our friends in Derrylin as they celebrate the Harvest with a week of Mission. Events are as follows:
As you can see there is plenty happening and much, much more besides. For more details or details of other events please give George a ring on 048/028 6774 8994. +++ Crosslinks link up events Please take a careful note of the following events;
Please do make a special effort to attend. Contact the rectory if you require transport to the Sunday Praise Service. +++ Congratulations To Keith Graham of St Paul’s
Kinawley. Keith recently graduated from Queen’s University, Belfast
with a Master of Engineering (Hons) Degree in Electric and Electronic
Engineering. Keith has just recently commenced work with Proctor and Gamble
Technical Centres in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Between qualifying and taking
up employment, Keith being the man that he is, decided to pack his rucksack
and head for the continent of Africa where he spent six weeks with Voluntary
Service Ireland building schools in Kenya and Tanzania. Keith we wish
you every blessing in your chosen career and assure you that there is
always a warm welcome awaiting you in St Paul’s Church. Connor Diocese Conference Connor Diocese are holding a conference in the Slieve Russell Hotel, commencing Wednesday 16th November 2005. This conference will be attended by around 100 clergy and will commence with a Service of Holy Communion at 3.30 pm in Tomregan Parish Church. Bishop Ken Clarke will be the preacher at this service and all parishioners from the group are warmly invited to attend. +++ Holidays Just a brief note to let folk know that I will be on holiday from Tuesday 25th October recommencing duty on Tuesday 1st November. There will be no Christianity Explored Course as a consequence on Thursday 27th October. Emergency pastoral care will be provided by Archdeacon George Davison (048/028 6774 8994) during my absence. +++ Holy Communion Service in Breffni Residential Care Centre, Ballyconnell This is a new initiative in Tomregan
Parish and is something which will be happening on the 2nd Tuesday of
each month. We had our first service on Tue 11th Oct and it was lovely
to see both residents and day care clients come together with a handful
of parishioners and share in the Lord’s Supper in the intimacy of
a room kindly supplied by the management of Breffni. Of course we had
a wee cup of tea and a bit of craic afterwards! * * * ooo * * * Back to TOP
Back to TOP+ + + Service Schedule for the remainder of October and November
Please click here to go to the Service Schedule which will be updated with the latest information as soon as it becomes available. + + + |
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