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“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: (1 Cor 15: 3a) Have you ever played Chinese Whispers – if not, then here is a brief explanation of how it is played. You whisper a sentence to the first person in a circle, who whispers it to the next person and so on until the last person repeats the message out loud to the rest of the group. You can get some very interesting results such as the classic where: ‘Send reinforcements, we're going to advance,’ becomes: ‘Send three-and-fourpence, we're going to a dance.’ It would be lovely to go to a dance, but imagine the chaos that would reign if your request for support got distorted in this way!! Communication is so very, very important in the world we live. It has become so much easier to communicate with people at very short notice over very great distances, yet with all of the advances, if the communication is not crystal clear, there can still be massive problems. I’m sure that many of us think that communication involves only talking, but if we examine the above example, the words spoken at first became distorted not because of unclear speech but rather poor listening. In the Church in 21st Century Ireland, it is no less important for us to be effective communicators than it is in the rest of the world. Paul understood that as he wrote; For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. (1 Cor 15: 3-5) Receiving what has been passed on to us is of great importance – but passing it on to subsequent generations if of equal importance. In many respects it is as if we are runners in a relay race – we receive the baton from an earlier generation and pass on the same baton. The runners in the race may change in their style of running, in the way in which they prepare for the race and even in the way they dress, but the baton never changes. There are two points we need to note here; As we receive the gospel, we must be careful to listen to what we hear and to test it through study of the Bible and reliance on God’s Holy Spirit. If we are not careful to do this then we can simply pass on falsehoods and lies; We must be faithful in our proclamation of what we have received and tested, seeking out opportunities to tell others “that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures”.
That is the Gospel that I have received and tested – that my sin separates me from God, that Jesus took those sins upon himself and bore them on the cross, that he conquered my sin and death through a glorious resurrection and that he ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father and mediates on our behalf with our Heavenly Father. We recite this statement of faith (we call it a Creed) most Sundays in our Churches, so that we are reminded constantly of the teaching of the Bible and indeed its interpretation by the early Church. Yet people still distort the message and proclaim things which take the glory away from God and his victory, relying rather on man’s efforts which only end in failure, condemnation and rejection by God. We must be careful to guard against false teachers, something which was a problem in the early Church also. And we must be very careful to pass on what we have received and tested so that more might trust in Jesus and be saved.
News ItemsGROUP NEWSService of institution
Well, the service is over, the dust has settled and some might say “What was all the fuss about”?! I think that my service of institution on Friday 18th May was significant in many ways even though I had been ministering for almost three years in part of the newly amalgamated group of parishes. Firstly, significant for us as a family as we have “put down roots” through this commitment to serve as Rector and family in the grouped parishes for an indefinite period. Secondly, significant for parishioners in so far as you can now count on us being around for a while!! The service was an emotional occasion for me and it was certainly a great celebration as we came together from so many parishes and different areas to celebrate this significant and historic occasion. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to the evening in whatever way and made it so special for us as a family – it is very much appreciated. And we really do look forward to building existing relationships as well as developing new ones in the coming months and years.
Holiday Bible Clubs This year’s holiday Bible Club will be held in the Parish Hall, Derrylin between Monday 6th August and Friday from 10am to 12.30 pm each day. This club is for the whole of our group (that includes all 6 parishes) so please do not take the attitude that it is not in my parish, so I will not bring my children to it!! Please do support initiatives such as this as we seek to develop our ministry to children and young people. People often say that there is nothing for the young ones – well here is something which will build them up and will be a really fun time as well. We would also love to hear from you if you would like to be involved in the leadership of this club as we need leaders to make this happen! Anyone aged 14 or over is more than welcome to volunteer – please do contact us if you are even remotely interested in helping out. There will be no charge for the club but voluntary donations would be appreciated if your child attends. +++
75th Anniversary Service in St Paul’s, Kinawley In February of this year, St Paul’s, Kinawley celebrated its 75th Anniversary. This is an important landmark in the history of this Chapel of Ease in a community which has seen many changes down through the years in what has at times been a difficult area to minister. The Select Vestry have decided that they would like to mark this occasion with a service to give thanks for the witness of the church in the community with an eye to an ongoing and continuing work. This service will take place on Sunday 9th September at 3pm with tea afterwards. The Bishop will dedicate a number of gifts at this service. If anyone would like to invite a former parishioner or family member who has moved out of the area, then the Select Vestry would welcome such invitations being carried out at a personal level as official invites will be limited to a small number of individuals only. +++
Swanlinbar Parish Outing Mary couldn't have picked a better day for the Swanlinbar Parish outing. Saturday 9th of June was a real scorcher as a coach load of folk journeyed to Sligo, Rosses Point and Bundoran before arriving home with empty pockets at 9pm that night!! The Parish outing is an annual event which is open to the whole of the group, even though it is organised by one Parish. Thanks are due to Mary Thornton once more for arranging a wonderful day out. +++ Belturbet Bible Club And some news of another Bible
Club taking place between Monday 9th and Friday 13th July from 10am to
3pm each day. Music, Arts & Drama (Diocesan group with specific interest
in developing ministry to our children and young people) in conjunction
with Alliance Youth Works will be holding another Bible Club in the Fair
Green School. This club is open to everyone aged 6-12 inclusive. There
is a small charge of €3 per day, €10 per week (concessions for
families) and children need to bring their own packed lunch each day.
+++ Back to TOPNewsletter and Web Site If you have any news items or
photographs for insertion in future editions of this Newsletter or on
the web site please let me have them. +++ Congratulations
Wedding bells are getting
ready to ring!! Hearty congratulations are due to Gordon Richardson and Gwenda Hobson on the recent announcement of their engagement and intention to marry on 18th July 2008. Gordon is a farmer and part-times sales person whilst Gwenda teaches in a local primary school – they intend to build a new home and live in the Newtowngore area. We wish them every good wish as they prepare for what will be a very special day in their lives. +++
Health Centre in South America We wish Lance Woods well as he sets off for Nicaragua, in South America with a group of students from UCD. While there they will be helping to build a Health Centre, and Lance will be sharing something of his experience with us later in the Autumn at one of our United Services. Newtowngore. +++ TOP
New birth We all share in the joy of George & Violet Taylor in the birth of their little boy (7lbs 9oz) Samuel George. There will be a lot of adjustment in the Taylor household as babies tend to dictate how and when things happen, but it is truly a most joyous occasion for everyone. We all wish every blessing to George & Violet as they nurture and care for this beautiful little bundle of joy. +++
Congratulations To Barry & Kelly Richardson
on the baptism of their little girl Isla Ruby. Isla was welcomed into
the church family in the Parish Church, Newtowngore on Sunday 17th June.
And congratulations to Cormac and Michelle Dunleavy on the baptism of
their daughter, Hannah Edna in St Patrick’s Church Newtowngore
on Sunday 20th May. +++
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