The Swanlinbar Kildallon Group of Parishes in the Church of Ireland Kilmore Diocese. Corrawallen Kildallon Kinawley Newtowngore Swanlinbar Templeport Tomregan

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Trinity Sunday 30th May 2010
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Sunday Services

Service for Sunday 6th June 2010

Confirmation and United Service. Bishop Ken Clark

ConfirmationBishop Ken Clark will officiate at this special service at 3 pm in Kildallon Church when nine of our young people will take the next step on their journey of faith and relationship with the family of the church. We ask that as many people as are able will come along and encourage them.



Weekly Prayer Meeting

The meeting will be held on Wednesday 2nd June at 3 pm in the home of Valerie Livingstone, Kildallon where every one will be made welcome for this hour of prayer. Please ring 049 9526110 for directions.

Weekly Prayer Meeting


Office Surgery

On Thursday 3rd June Richard will be available in the Church office in Tomregan Hall, Ballyconnell from 9.30 am. to 11.30 pm. for any queries you may have.
The office will also be open from 11.30. to 2.30 the same day when Phyll will be there.
Telephone.049 952 7705      Email address:
Use this address to send mail to the office



Sunday School Prize Giving

Prizes Sunday SchoolThere will be a rehearsal for this day on Thursday 3rd June in Tomregan hall Ballyconnel 6.30-7.30 pm. A second rehearsal will take place in Kildallon Church on Thursday 10th June. 6.30 - 7.30pm.


Parish Outing to Newcastle on Saturday 5th June 2010.

The first pick up point will be in Bawnboy at 8.30 am continuing on to Cassidy’s Cross for 8.45 and the final pick up at Vi and Mackie Breen's house in Kinawley at 9.00 am. Can we ask that you be on time at your chosen pickup point.



BlanketsBlankets for Paraguay

If you are giving surplus blankets or Woolly gloves or hats to this cause please may we remind you that we need to have them by 7th June at the latest. They can be dropped off at the office between 9.30 am and 2.30 pm this Thursday 3rd June.


DancersCommunity Barbeque

BurgerThe first of our community Barbeques takes place on Saturday 19th June at Tomregan Parish Hall at 7pm. This will also include a disco for all ages in the hall. Please make a note in your diaries for this event.


Opinion FinderOpinion Finder

While very few people like filling in forms this one will be a very useful tool in helping the Bishop to find us the right person for the role of Rector within our group. Please can I ask that you fill them out and return them to your church vestry for collection if you have not already done so. These Opinion Finder sheets are available to download from here.



Please can these forms be returned so that the details can be filled in at the office onto the computer. Yes another time consuming but important piece of paper. Thank you for your help with this.


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The current Monthly Newsletter or current Weekly News Sheet linked from this table may or may not be the latest ones depending on the date.   A Weekly News Sheet is not published on the same weekend as the Monthly Newsletter.   The current links on the row above will not be updated however the latest (monthly) Newsletter or latest (weekly) News sheet links on the top row should always take you to the latest ones via an automatic redirect page.

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