Group United Service Ballyconnell. Sunday 30th August.
This will be our first service as a whole group in our time of vacancy. A service for all ages, please make every effort to come.
Breffni Centre Services
The August service of Holy Communion will be held on
Tuesday 25th at 2pm. The Rev. Steve Clark
will be leading the service.
Office surgery
Thursday 27th 10-12am in the church office
where Richard will be available for any enquiries. |
Prayer Meeting
The prayer meeting this week will be on Wednesday
26th in Millie Morton’s home at 8.30pm
(not Tuesday 25th as previously advertised. )
Newtowngore /Corrawallen Vestry
This Tuesday 25th August in Newtowngore Parish hall at 8.30 pm.
Children's Bible Club with Scripture Union in Killeshandra.
This runs from 11am-2.30pm each day. Children from our group are also very welcome and please pray for this exciting work. Further details from Richard |
Important Harvest change
Ballyconnell’s Harvest service will take place on Friday
18th September.
The Harvest service for Kildallon will now take place on Friday 2nd October. The 2 services have in effect swapped over to that advertised in the newsletter. Other harvest services and the concert remain unchanged. |
Happy Tots
Our parent toddler group starts up again as the children get back to School on Tuesday 1st September.
Open to all the community, Parents and carers with preschool children will be made most welcome. Happy tots meets weekly in the minor hall in Ballyconnell Parish hall 10-11.30am.
Templeport Gospel Concert & Quiz Sheets for sale
The concert is fast approaching (Friday 4th September 8pm in Templeport Community Centre)
Some of you will already be aware that a quiz sheet is on sale price 1euro in aid of Forward funds. Please see a member of the Forward group if you would like tickets for the Templeport concert or / and a quiz sheet. Florence Bayliss, Karen Breen, Violet Clements, Avril Graham, Minnie Mitten, David Morton, Mildred Morton, Mable Pollock. |
A date for the diary
Dennis Johnston our Irish link with the South American Missionary Society will be coming to visit us on Wednesday 30th September. 8.30pm in Ballyconnell Parish hall. I would encourage our vestry members along but also all of you who want to see our link with Beryl Baker develop as well as wae can. |