The Swanlinbar Kildallon Group of Parishes in the Church of Ireland Kilmore Diocese. Corrawallen Kildallon Kinawley Newtowngore Swanlinbar Templeport Tomregan

megaphoneWeekly News Sheetmegaphone
Sunday 21st March 2010
Latest Monthly Newsletter


Schedule of Services for the Coming Week
Wednesday 24th March 8.00pm Templeport Lent Richard
Friday 26th March 8.45pm Derrylin Hall Contemporary Richard
Sunday 28th March 10.00am Kinawley H.C. Canon Cyril Rolston
10.30 am Corrawallen M.P.2 Richard
11.30 am Ballyconnell H.C. Canon Cyril Rolston
12.00 Kildallon M.P.2 Richard
Monday 29th March 8.00pm Kildallon Holy Week Richard
Tuesday 30th March 8.00pm Ballyconnell Holy Week Richard
Wednesday 31st March 8.00pm Kildallon Holy Week Richard


Vestry Meeting

Newtowngore/ Corrawallen vestry will meet in Newtowngore Hall on Tuesday 23rd March at 8.00pm we would encourage all members to attend.

Vestry meeting


Weekly Prayer Meeting

The weekly prayer meeting will be on Thursday 25th March at 8.30 pm in the home of Abraham and Carol Graham. Every one will be most welcome.

Weekly Prayer Meeting


Office Surgery

Richard will be available at the Church Office in Ballyconnell on Friday 26th March from 9.30 to 11.30. Telephone 049 9527705.

Richard Beadle


Contemporary Service

This is a modern style service which will take place in the Derrylin Hall on Friday 26th March at 8.45pm. This service has young people at its heart but we would encourage everyone to come along.

Extended Family


Coffee Morning and Cake Sale

Cook with tray of bakingA cake sale and coffee morning is to be held in Tomregan hall, Ballyconnell on Saturday 27th March from to All proceeds will go towards Forward funds which help to run special events such as the Sunday school prize giving, Barbeque and the Senior’s Christmas dinner. This is a whole group event in which we can each play a small part. Please come along and support this fun morning. Particular help is required with baking cakes! Please bake as you feel able. Coffee and chocolate cakes, sponge cakes, carrot cakes all go down a treat at an event such as this. And of course scones, just the thing for afternoon tea. Obviously the more cakes we have the more we can sell. Please bring cakes for sale to Ballyconnell hall on Friday evening from If you are not a baker please still come along and support the morning if you possibly can. Your willingness and generosity are really appreciated..

Fresh steaming loaf
Coffee cup



If there is anyone in Ballyconnell or Kildallon who would be interested in joining a small project looking at the graveyard and its history please speak to Richard.


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Monthly News Letter (March 10)
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