Weekly News Sheet Sunday 2th May 2010 |
United Vision Day 9th May 2010 3pm. This is an important time and we hope that everyone will be able to come along and support this rearranged date. The service will commence in the Tomregan Church in Ballyconnell. After the service we will move across to the church hall where we will join in food and fellowship. We will look back over the events of the past year and look forward to the coming year. This is a day for the whole of the parish young and old. There will be space in the minor hall for the children to relax during our hall time. The Rev. Paul Hoey will be with us. Rev. Brendan McCarthy will also be with us. For those parishioners who have not yet met him it will be an opportunity to meet and get to know a little about him and his role within the Church while he spends time with us. +++
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