Weekly News Sheet 23rd November 2008 |
Forthcoming services
+++ Dates for the diary
+++ Christianity Explored We will meet again at Newtowngore Parish Hall at 8.30 on Wednesday evening. We are coming to the end of what has been an interesting journey into the life of Jesus. If any of you would like to come along and join us on the journey you will be made very welcome. +++ Prayer Meeting Thursday 27th November at 3.p.m. at the home of Lola Patterson. Please come along and join us everyone welcome. +++ Kildallon Bazaar On Friday 28th November at 9.30 pm. This annual event will once more take place in the community centre in Kildallon. Please come along and support this event. All proceeds will go towards Parish Funds. +++ Forthcoming Events Annual Sale of Work. This event in Swanlinbar parish is nearly upon us. It takes place on Saturday 6th December from 2 pm onwards. Please refer to the Monthly News Letter for more details. +++ Senior's Dinner Seniors it’s time to dust off your dancing shoes and shake out the ball gowns. The annual dinner is almost upon us. If you've forgotten it's on Friday 12th December in Ballyconnell Parish Hall. This will be an enjoyable evening where we will meet together as a group for good food, lively entertainment and Christian Fellowship.
The current Monthly Newsletter or current Weekly News Sheet linked from this table may or may not be the latest ones depending on the date. A Weekly News Sheet is not published on the same weekend as the Monthly Newsletter. The current links on the row above will not be updated however the latest (monthly) Newsletter or latest (weekly) News sheet links on the top row should always take you to the latest ones via an automatic redirect page. |