Weekly News Sheet 11th January 2009 |
DIARY DATES January 11th Kidz Club today in Ballyconnell Parish Hall from 3.30 pm. To 5 pm. This is for all children age 4-12 years. Fun, games, quizzes, songs and lots more. Don’t miss the fun come along. Informal Praise. This evening in Kildallon Parish Church at 8 p.m. the theme will be A Welcoming Church. If you are able to, please join us in what will be an enlightening experience in our relationship with Jesus. January 12th United Vestry meeting this will be held at 8pm in Ballyconnell Minor Hall. We will be looking ahead at mission overseas. We will, with the help of Denis Johnston explore ways in which we can help the South American Missionary Society in their work. January 14th Prayer Meeting this week will be held at 2.30 pm at the home of Louise Patterson. Please come along, if you can, to this informal meeting. You will not be asked to speak but if you have a special prayer to offer you may do so. You will be amongst friends who wish to set aside a time for prayer and reflection in their busy lives. A place to be still for a moment and give thanks. Vestry meeting. Templeport vestry will meet at 8pm at the Rectory in Kildallon |
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