Weekly News Sheet Sunday 7th June 2009 |
+++ DIARY DATES Surgery Hours +++ Prayer meeting Wednesday 10th June 3.00 at the Rectory in Kildallon +++ Kidz Club. Today (7th June) at 3.30 until 5 pm. in Newtowngore Parish Hall and will be the final one before we break up for the summer. There will be the usual mix of songs, games and quizzes. Please encourage your children to take part. +++ Informal service Sunday 14th June This will be our last Informal Service of the season and not to be missed! our speaker will be Bishop Ken Clarke and the theme will be “Outward looking Church” These meetings have been tremendously helpful as we have explored mission. Come along even if you’ve missed the others. This will take place in Derrylin parish hall at 8pm. +++ Sunday School Rehearsal The 1st Sunday School Rehearsal for the prize giving service will take place on Wednesday 10th not Tuesday 9th June as previously advertised. This will take place in Ballyconnell parish hall from 6.30—7.30pm. Apologies for the necessary change. If as many Sunday school children as possible could be there that would be great.
The current Monthly Newsletter or current Weekly News Sheet linked from this table may or may not be the latest ones depending on the date. A Weekly News Sheet is not published on the same weekend as the Monthly Newsletter. The current links on the row above will not be updated however the latest (monthly) Newsletter or latest (weekly) News sheet links on the top row should always take you to the latest ones via an automatic redirect page. |